Case History of Chronic Migraine Part Two

Case History of Chronic Migraine Part Two

The case history of Heather continues…. A referral to a good psychotherapist would be beneficial, as would biofeedback by a skilled therapist. Psychiatric referral would be a reasonable choice as well. For the neck pain, physical therapy may be helpful, at least...

Lower Pain Tolerance Linked to Impaired Sleep

A study published in Pain, the official publication of the International Association for the Study of Pain found that people with insomnia and other sleep problems have increased sensitivity to pain. The study included more than 10,400 adults from a large, ongoing...

Pain and Nutrition

Pain Pathways Magazine recently published an article on the link between our food choices and how we feel. How we nourish our bodies, and the amount of food eaten can play a role in how our bodies react. Here is a portion of the article… Chronic pain can make...

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