The School of Public Health at the University of California, Berkeley publishes a monthly wellness letter with current news and expert advice. The letter contains a “Wellness Made Easy” column with bullet point facts that may help you in taking care of yourself….
* People trying to lose weight, exercise more, or achieve other health-related goals are more likely to stick with the program if they set a range as a target (for example, lose 2 to 4 pounds next week) rather than a single number (lose 3 pounds). A range goal can offer “the best of both worlds” because of its flexibility. It can be seen as both attainable (the low end) and challenging (the high end), the researchers said.
* Confused about the benefits and risks of eating seafood? About how much to eat, which types are more healthful, and which are ecologically sustainable? A website called Seafood Health Facts: Making Smart Choices ( explains the issues, offers guidance, and provides links to other good resources.
* Be aware that “evaporated cane juice” is just another name for sugar and is not “juice.” Many foods and beverages still use the term in their ingredients lists to make the products seem more healthful, even though the FDA has declared this to be “false and misleading.” Though cane sugar retains more vitamins and minerals than refined white table sugar because it is less processed, any differences are minuscule.
* To reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, eat foods rich in magnesium. A recent Harvard analysis in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, which pooled data from 16 large studies, linked higher dietary intakes of the mineral to reduced risk of heart attacks, and higher blood levels to lower risk of cardiovascular disease in general. The article suggests sticking to foods rich in the mineral – leafy greens, whole grains, beans, nuts, seeds, and fish. Studies on magnesium supplements have had inconsistent results.