In a world of piano lessons, play dates, soccer practice and homework, many parents feel anxious when the school bell rings in September. Living with migraines can add extra angst for parents wanting to keep up with their children’s busy schedules. Susan Sachs Lipman who is the social media director for the Children and Nature Network has written a book called “”Fed Up with Frenzy: Slow Parenting in a Fast-Moving World.” She likens the concept of slow parenting to the “slow food” movement… children should be savored and enjoyed. Today, more than ever parents have anxiety about their children’s futures. Will they get into a good college, will they find a job, etc. Lipman believes that if we can be more present with our children, such as tearing them as well as ourselves away from technology it is possible to promote deeper family connections. “In our very well-meaning attempts to give our kids the best and help them get ahead, we might not be doing what’s best for them. What’s best may be a slower pace, doing things at the developmentally appropriate time. We do a lot of things early now because we think we’re giving kids a head start, but especially in early childhood they need a lot of free time and free play and time to discover who they are and what they like to do.”
Lipman, who is a parent herself has learned to channel calmness even in stressful situations. One day while waiting in the car drop-off lane at her daughter’s school a driver behind her began honking her to move along. “Something about the drop-off curb served as an epiphany. I thought if I can slow one part of our day and have a calm transition, maybe it will help us calm other parts of our lives. She began parking her car and walking her daughter to school.
Sometimes the reality of slow parenting may be saying no to a birthday party or other social obligation. Finding the pace that feels right for your family is the goal…… Time Healthland August 14, 2012