Michele Gargan, PsyD, director of support and education for the U.S. Pain Foundation says, “While it is important to be true to yourself and not try to drastically alter your personality, you might consider how your personality style may be getting in your own way as you try to manage stress, your migraines, and the stress of your migraines.” Dr. Gargan suggests the following traits can help you cope with adversity and manage the pain of migraine – while allowing serenity into your life…..

*  Tolerance of others who misunderstand you or judge you.

*  The desire to stay connected to others and a willingness to share and seek emotional support.

*  The ability to focus on the positive and not dwell on the negative.

*  An open mind and a receptivity to new life goals.

*  A willingness to tackle problems and deal with stressful situations rather than avoid them.

*  The ability to live in the present and not dwell on the past or fret about the future.


Pain Pathways       Fall 2013

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