Suffering With Migraines in Silence

For many people, coping with migraines means dealing with them alone, using over-the-counter medications and isolating themselves. Researchers at the University of Nebraska Medical Center College of Nursing Lincoln Division and Bryan Medical Center set out to study...

Improve Your Health: Eat Early and Often

While the concept of snacking may get a bad rap, if it’s done well, it can enhance your wellbeing by adding beneficial nutrients to your day. According to Virginia Turner, registered dietician, The University of Tennessee Medical Center, Knoxville, having...

Winter and Migraines

We know weather changes can trigger a migraine – but can the season make a difference as well? A study presented at the 54th Annual Scientific Sessions of the American Headache Society in Los Angeles last year suggests that the frosty days of winter may not be...

Finding Clarity in Our Own Unique Lives

Like snowflakes, we are all one of a kind. The stresses we have may be distinctive to each of us, and how we deal with them may not be comparable either. Yet, the tensions of day to day living get a boost this time of year for most people when holiday menus, shopping...

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