“We’re trying to find the genetic basis of migraine, and basically speaking, this is the beginning” says Dr. Stephen Silberstein, director of the Jefferson Headache Center in Philadelphia. Silberstein, though not involved in the study told Health Day. “Now we know in what neighborhood the genes are located, but we still don’t know where the houses are. It’s an important step.”
This advance comes from European and Australian research, part of the International Headache Genetics Consortium. The study has identified 4 new genes, and confirmed another 2 genes responsible for vulnerability to migraine without aura. The researchers looked at the DNA from 2,300 people with migraines without aura, and also 4,580 people from the general population. The research has been published in the journal Nature Genetics. “The identified genes open new doors to investigate how this type of migraine comes about” said Dr. Arn van den Maagdenberg, a researcher in the study….. Huffington Post 6-11-12