Hi from guest blogger Shari:
In 2009, Amy Pankratz’s daughter was hospitalized for flu and due to the lack of room, she was given a bed in the pediatric oncology unit.
Her daughter’s “prized” possession was her “superhero princess” cape that Amy had made for her. When her daughter was well enough to take a stroll in the hallway, the little girl put her “cape” on and it brought much delight to the other children patients in the hallway, taking a little exercise.
This happiness, she(Amy) witnessed, generated by this simple cape, gave Amy a great idea. She began to sew “comfort capes” with “superhero” themes for children with serious illnesses.
Amy has made 5,000 capes and donated them in the U.S. and internationally. She customizes each cape to the child’s interests and uses materials that are comfortable to children, depending on their type of treatment.
When Amy is not sewing, she is working on the “fight” of childhood cancer issues and getting more “capes” out to the children.
Amy says–“if a “cape” helps a child forget he’s sick for a little while–it is worth it!
with hearts, shari
Full article-“Woman’s Day” magazine, March 2013 issue, written by Nina Malkin

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