Insomnia is commonly seen in migraine and chronic daily headache patients. Patients should sleep as much as they need to feel refreshed and healthy during the following day, but not in excess. Curtailing the time spent in bed seems to solidify sleep; excessively long times in bed may be related to shallow and fragmented sleep. A regular awakening time in the morning strengthens circadian cycling and, ultimately, leads to a regular time of sleep onset.
Although an excessively warm room disturbs sleep, there is no evidence that an excessively cold room solidifies sleep. Hunger may disturb sleep; a light snack may help you sleep. Caffeine in the evening disturbs sleep, even in those who feel it does not. Alcohol helps tense people fall asleep more easily, but the ensuing sleep is then fragmented. The chronic use of tobacco disturbs sleep.
A steady daily amount of exercise should deepen sleep, but occasional exercise does not necessarily improve sleep the following night. Yoga and other breathing and relaxation techniques may be helpful. Set the alarm and get up at the same time every morning, regardless of how much you have slept during the night. This helps the body develop a constant sleep/wake rhythm.