Healthy Eating – Choose a Rainbow of Foods

Brightly colored fruits and veggies are loaded with antioxidants – compounds that block dangerous free radicals. By eating a diverse range of these “powerhouse” foods, even in small amounts you can boost your health benefits. A study done at Colorado...

Inspiration for a Monday!—“Chocolate”

Hi from guest blogger Shari: I did take in to account, that if chocolate is a “migraine” trigger for you, then this news may be of little help, if you do not eat chocolate, but for any that can eat chocolate–good news. A new review has confirmed that...

Natural Headache Preventives

The most consistent natural headache preventives are: Petadolex(an offshoot, safer form, of butterbur), usually 100 to 150mg perday; usually no side effects, occasionally upset stomach,……..and Vitamin B2(riboflavin), 200 to 400mg per day, usually no side...

Concussions and Headaches

We do see a # of younger people with sports concussions, with resulting headache syndromes(among other post-concussion problems)…..often it is after the 2nd(or 3rd or 4th) concussion, with lingering symptoms. Thse can be tough to treat, as they often do not...

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