Why Do We Cry?

Some of us cry at the drop of a hat, while others tend to be more stoic. In very simple terms, we cry when we are happy or when we are sad. But crying is more complicated than that. According to Stephen Sideroff, PhD, a staff psychologist at Santa...

Diagnosing PTSD

UCLA scientists have linked two genes involved with serotonin production to a higher risk of developing Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). These recent findings suggest susceptibility to PTSD may be inherited, which would help with screening and treatment of the...

10,000 Steps to Better Health

We are constantly hearing of the benefits of walking. It is such an easy way to get exercise, and has such a positive effect on the body and the brain. Walking helps to decrease the risk of heart disease and Type II diabetes. It helps relieve anxiety and lowers your...

3-D Movies and Headaches

3-D viewing can be an excellent way  to enhance the movie experience. In addition to theatres screening 3-D movies, many new home systems are equipped with 3-D glasses to bring your viewing to a whole new level. Sounds great, unless you’re a migraine sufferer....

Blood Pressure Basics

  Before every appointment, we always check the patient’s blood pressure. Often we hear, “Are my numbers normal?” Blood pressure is the force of blood against the walls of arteries. It’s recorded as two numbers, systolic-the pressure when the...

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