Your first visit
Visit: During your first visit, the doctor or nurse practitioner will talk with you about your medical history, symptoms and discuss a treatment plan. We can call or e-prescribe medications into your pharmacy of choice, or a designated pharmacy we use for certain migraine medications. Initial visits are 60-90 minutes and follow up visits will be 20-30 minutes. We also can conduct tele-health visits if appropriate.
Paperwork: Before your first visit, it is required that you complete the necessary headache or non-headache intake forms, along with the consent forms. You may email or fax your completed forms ahead of the visit or bring them with you to the visit. You can download the forms from the “New Patients” section of our website. Please download and fill out both the “Consent Forms” and either the “Forms Headache Patient” or “Forms Non-Headache Patient”.
Cost: Initial visit costs $280 and follow up visits are $140 or higher. If blood work is indicated there will be an additional fee. Botox administration fee is $350-$375 per visit. Prices are subject to change, depending on the length of time spent with each patient. Payment is requested at the time of visit. We accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover and Apple Pay.
Insurance: We do not directly bill any commercial insurance and are often considered out-of-network. You may submit our superbill to your insurance company for reimbursement, however we cannot guarantee any payment from your insurance company. Medicare patients will pay at the time of service, and office will bill on their behalf, and may receive a reimbursement check within the month. We do not accept Medicaid at this time.
Testing: CT scans, MRIs, blood tests, sleep studies and additional tests are sometimes necessary and if recommended referrals will be made. We do draw blood work in our office for an affordable fee, that’s often cheaper than the hospital or outpatient labs. We can refer you to a facility that accepts your insurance for these additional tests.
Cancellations: If you do not come in for your appointment, it deprives another patient of that time slot. There is a $30 cancelation fee if you cannot keep your appointment and have not informed our office the day prior to your appointment by 3:00pm. We are very understanding that life happens, but please also be respectful of other patients wanting to get into our office for an appointment.