by Sue Robbins | Aug 12, 2013 | Headache Drugs
The following is an excerpt of an article by Juliann Garey, recently published in The New York Times. Garey is the author of the novel “Too Bright to Hear Too Loud to See” and a co-editor of “Voices of Bipolar Disorder: The Healing Companion.”...
by Sue Robbins | Aug 11, 2013 | Headache Drugs
People who design product displays for drug stores, grocery stores and big box stores intentionally place products to boost sales and maximize profits. Consumer Reports recently published some information that can help you understand the tricks of the trade, and help...
by Sue Robbins | Aug 7, 2013 | Headache Drugs
An important study was recently published drawing a connection between headache and dietary supplements. The research, conducted in Taiwan was published last month in Headache: The Journal of Head and Face Pain. The study reported that in male supplement users, the...
by Sue Robbins | Aug 6, 2013 | Headache Drugs
What can happen when you drink something cold too fast, or eat ice-cream? The scientific term is sphenopalatine ganglioneuralgia, but the simpler term is brain freeze. It’s your body’s way of telling you to slow down and take it easy with the icy drink or...
by Sue Robbins | Jul 25, 2013 | Headache Drugs
Dr. Zoltan Medgyessy of the Berolina Clinic in Germany believes Sea-Bands can help migraineurs with their nausea. At last month’s International Headache Congress in Boston, Dr. Medgyessy reported on a study he led which involved the wrist bands and headache...