Headache Pearls, Continued

Headache Pearls by Larry Robbins. M.D. REFRACTORY HEADACHES: MEDICATIONS * Botox * Opiods * MAOI’s * Stimulants * Frequent (daily) triptans MAOI’s * Ideal patient: Refractory headaches, depression, no insomnia, no weight loss, mature and responsible *...

Advanced Headache Pearls

Advanced Headache Pearls by Larry Robbins M.D. * DEFINITION OF PAIN “Official Definition” vs. “Pain is what the patient says it is, and it’s as bad as the patient says it is. *  MEDICATIONS : MINIMIZE Balance between headaches and medication....

The “Nocebo” Effect

The following is an article we posted on the Robbins’ Nest Blog last August. We often hear about the “placebo effect”; it seems timely to mention again the “nocebo effect.” A placebo is typically a fake medication used as a control in a...

Headaches and Melatonin

Dawn A. Marcus, MD, of the University of Pittsburgh weighs in on the relationship between melatonin and headaches… Melatonin is a hormone produced in the pineal gland in the brain that regulates sleep. Many studies have linked sleep with migraine. For example,...

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