Case History of Chronic Migraine

Case History of Chronic Migraine

Dr. Robbins describes a patient, Heather, who is a 24 -year -old hairdresser with migraines since age 12, which have been slowly increasing. Her usual  daily headache is an aching, throbbing moderate headache with photophobia. About 6 times per month, Heather has a...

Photophobia and the Migraine Connection

Researchers at the University of Utah are working to better understand photophobia, or light sensitivity – though management of it remains difficult. “Light sensitivity is a very common problem, and most ophthalmologists – most physicians in general...

Alternative Medicine in Chronic Migraine

There is a wide variety of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) therapies for the treatment of migraine. These include physical therapies, medicinal herbs and teas, relaxation techniques and pharmacologic supplements. One recent survey of patients at an...

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