FDA Okays Intranasal Migraine Medication

FDA Okays Intranasal Migraine Medication

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved a low-dose sumatriptan powder delivered intranasally for the treatment  of migraine with or without aura in adult patients. “Onzetra Xsail provides a new and much needed treatment option for what can be a...
“I Had Alice in Wonderland Syndrome”

“I Had Alice in Wonderland Syndrome”

Helene Stapinski describes a time when her daughter had a headache, and she realized she had experienced the same condition when she was a young girl. Here is a part of her story…. A few months ago, my 10-year old daughter, Paulina was suffering from a bad...
Migraine With Aura?

Migraine With Aura?

George R. Nissan, DO, Baylor Headache Center, Dallas, Texas recently answered a reader’s question in the National Headache Foundation newsletter regarding migraine with aura… Q: I am 20 years old, and I had a weird incident in August. I was sleeping, and I...
A New Migraine Marker?

A New Migraine Marker?

According to a study published in the September 9, 2015, online issue of Neurology, researchers may have discovered a new marker found in the blood for episodic migraine. Episodic migraine is defined as having less than 15 headaches per month. “While more...
In Smokers Only, Migraine Ups Stroke Risk

In Smokers Only, Migraine Ups Stroke Risk

New research shows that migraine is linked with an increased risk for stroke among active smokers, but not nonsmokers. Teshamae S. Monteith, MD, assistant professor of clinical neurology and chief of the Headache Division at the University of Miami’s Miller...

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