Post-Concussion Syndrome

In an article about post-concussion syndrome on page 1 of the Chicago Tribune today, Dr. Robbins is quoted – “In a small but important segment of people, headaches can last months or years or a lifetime.” “Once Humpty Dumpty breaks, we...

Migraine BlogPain Relievers and the Heart

Naproxen and ibuprofen, common pain relievers called non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, or Nsaids are hugely popular drugs for arthritis, pulled muscles, menstrual cramps and of course headaches. While their labels warn that overusing them may increase the risk of...

The Soothing Effects of Peppermint

In addition to being a popular flavoring, peppermint has a history of use for digestive symptoms, including indigestion, nausea, cramps and diarrhea, as well as for headaches and colds. The main active ingredient is the phytochemical menthol, which can help relax...

Java Withdrawal and Headaches

Kim Leadley, from Cumberland, Maine had one to two Starbucks Grande coffees everyday. When she decided to kick the habit she found herself suffering from the “I can’t work-think-or-function” kind of headaches. After a few days of excruciating pain...

What is “Text Neck?”

The constant use of cell phones, e-readers, computer tablets and mp3 players can lead to “text neck” an overuse syndrome involving the head, neck and shoulders. According to Dr. Chris Cornett, MD, orthopedic surgeon and spine specialist at the University...

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