Cluster Headache

Cluster headache is among the most severe pains known to mankind. It is characterized by excruciating, debilitating pain lasting from 15 minutes to three hours, and occasionally longer.  The pain is usually located around or through one eye, or on the temple.  Attacks...

Thomas Jefferson and Headache

Thomas Jefferson, the 3rd President of the United States has often been included in lists of famous migraineurs. Diamond S.; and Franklin M.A. of Diamond Headache Clinic have suggested in their abstract The Jeffersonian Headache that Jefferson actually was afflicted...

Abortives For Cluster Headache

The main abortives for clusters remain:  triptans (Imitrex, Maxalt, etc.),  oxygen  analgesics  lidocaine nasal spray  ergots. Triptans do work the best, particularly Imitrex injections (many cluster sufferers get by with 2 or 3mg, which is half of a vial).  Oxygen,...

Cost of Botox

The cost of Botox, unfortunately, just went up.. from about $390 per 100unit vial to approx $417 a vial. The cost of Botox does limit it’s use;  the average patient now recieves 50 to 100 units per treatment.  In the earlier days, we used lower doses.  I do...

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