Hockey Safety and Brain Trauma

Hockey Safety and Brain Trauma

We are only dealt one brain for a lifetime. Hockey luddites have traditionally dismissed brain traumas with “don’t worry, it’s only your coconut”. However, even big, tough hockey players suffer mightily from the result of repetitive head traumas. A recent rash of...
Heading the Ball Causes Brain Damage

Heading the Ball Causes Brain Damage

Heading a soccer ball is not as innocuous as once was thought. Headers sometimes result in a concussion. Thousands of headers over a career may lead to permanent brain damage. A growing body of evidence points to the adverse effects of multiple headers. One...
“Writing to Heal”

“Writing to Heal”

Keeping a pain journal can help track increased pain and reduce stress for many migraineurs. Pain Pathways magazine provides some essential tips for jotting down personal information on a regular basis. Putting pen to paper doesn’t seem like magic. In fact, for...
Device To Block Pain

Device To Block Pain

The field of optogenetics – which uses genetically encoded switches that turn neurons on or off with light – has taken a step forward; scientists have created flexible, implantable, wireless devices that can activate and potentially block pain signals in...

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