Case History of Chronic Migraine Part Two

Case History of Chronic Migraine Part Two

The case history of Heather continues…. A referral to a good psychotherapist would be beneficial, as would biofeedback by a skilled therapist. Psychiatric referral would be a reasonable choice as well. For the neck pain, physical therapy may be helpful, at least...
Case History of Chronic Migraine

Case History of Chronic Migraine

Dr. Robbins describes a patient, Heather, who is a 24 -year -old hairdresser with migraines since age 12, which have been slowly increasing. Her usual  daily headache is an aching, throbbing moderate headache with photophobia. About 6 times per month, Heather has a...

Headache and Sleep Disorders

Headache specialist Deborah Tepper, MD explains the links between headache and sleep disorders in Headache: The Journal of Head and Face Pain….. Insomnia, difficulty with falling asleep or staying asleep, is the most common sleep complaint among patients with...

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