Botox, Depression and Chronic Migraine

Botox, Depression and Chronic Migraine

Headache: The Journal of Head and Face Pain recently published a study looking at the effect of Botox on depression in chronic migraine. The study was conducted by K. Maasumi, MD, N. Thompson, MS, J. Kriegler, MD and S. Tepper, MD. The study retrospectively evaluated...
Migraine Headache Surgery

Migraine Headache Surgery

Dr. Robbins weighs in on the subject of migraine headache surgery, by reviewing the article “A Critical Evaluation of Migraine Trigger Site Deactivation Surgery,” by P. Mathew, published in Headache, 2013. The excellent article by Mathew, “A Critical...

“Think Outside the (Pill) Box”

Dr. Robbins was recently interviewed for an article in the Daily Muse. The following is a portion of the article. Even if you got stuck with migraines in the genetic jackpot, you might not know this: June is National Migraine Awareness Month. And so today, I’m...

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