One Small Habit Change May Help Prevent Stroke

Scientists at the University of Vermont, the University of Alabama at Birmingham, Emory University and the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention looked at 7 factors known to affect stroke; these include body mass index, blood pressure, cigarette smoking, blood...

Orange Juice Can Lower Blood Pressure

French scientists report that drinking orange juice – or a control beverage containing hesperidin, a key antioxidant flavonoid found in OJ was linked to significantly lower diastolic blood pressure and improved blood-vessel function. The researchers studied 24...

Seeing the Forest Through the Trees

Taking a walk does our mind and body good. Now there is research that says where we walk can make a difference. Spending time in natural settings has been studied extensively by Japanese researchers – and has prompted several Japanese companies to include...

Cranberry Juice May Lower Blood Pressure

A study, led by Dr. Janet Novotny of the U.S. Department of Agruculture in Beltsville, Maryland, and funded by Ocean Spray Cranberries suggests that drinking cranberry juice regularly may reduce blood pressure. The study found that after eight weeks, blood pressure...

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