Heading the Ball Causes Brain Damage

Heading the Ball Causes Brain Damage

Heading a soccer ball is not as innocuous as once was thought. Headers sometimes result in a concussion. Thousands of headers over a career may lead to permanent brain damage. A growing body of evidence points to the adverse effects of multiple headers. One...
Put the Cellphone Away!

Put the Cellphone Away!

Researchers from the University of California, Irvine have a message for moms… put your cellphones away! They have found that fragmented and chaotic maternal care can disrupt proper brain development, which can lead to emotional disorders later in life. While...
Depression and Teens

Depression and Teens

A cognitive-behavioral prevention program to prevent depressive symptoms for teens may still be effective years later, according to a new study. “We have already shown that the intervention was more effective than usual care but it is surprising that we are...
Teenagers, Medication and Suicide

Teenagers, Medication and Suicide

Richard A. Friedman, a professor of clinical psychiatry at Weill Cornell Medical College has written an article for the New York Times, in which he discusses at length the subject of medication, suicide and teenagers. Dr. Robbins recently read the article, and...

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