Sports and Brain Injury
Learn about the risks of brain damage from youth sports, and what can be done to protect our young athletes. Dr. Robbins launched a public awareness campaign in December 2012 to warn people that despite the many benefits of youth sports, we are increasingly learning about the headaches, memory problems, and other health impacts being inflicted on young people.
Learn about the risks of brain damage from youth tackle football, and what can be done to protect our young athletes. Dr. Robbins launched a public awareness campaign in December 2012 to warn people that despite the sport’s many benefits, we are increasingly learning about the headaches, memory problems, and other health impacts being inflicted on young people by tackle football.
Children should just play flag or touch football until at least age 12. The evidence is compelling that early exposure to tackle football may permanently harm the brain. Intuitively, it’s just not a terrific idea for a child to use his head as a battering ram.
Football and Brain Injury
Learn about the risks of brain damage from youth tackle football, and what can be done to protect our young athletes. Dr. Robbins launched a public awareness campaign in December 2012 to warn people that despite the sport's many benefits, we are increasingly learning...
Hockey Safety and Brain Trauma
We are only dealt one brain for a lifetime. Hockey luddites have traditionally dismissed brain traumas with “don’t worry, it’s only your coconut”. However, even big, tough hockey players suffer mightily from the result of repetitive head traumas. A recent rash of...
Heading the Ball Causes Brain Damage
Heading a soccer ball is not as innocuous as once was thought. Headers sometimes result in a concussion. Thousands of headers over a career may lead to permanent brain damage. A growing body of evidence points to the adverse effects of multiple headers. One...
International Concussion Conference
Medical experts and NFL officials are gathering this Saturday in London to address the diagnosis and treatment of player concussions. Concussions and head trauma suffered by athletes remain a controversial topic, prompting many contact sports to change rules and adopt...
Kids and Concussions
According to the National Athletic Trainers' Association, sports-related concussions account for more than half of all emergency room visits by children aged 8 through 13. A child who has had a concussion is one and a half times more likely to have another, and those...
Learning the Hard Way That a Concussion Isn’t Just for the Young
Book author Fred Powledge recounts for NPR his experience having sustained a concussion... I think I knew what was happening even before my head bounced off the hard kitchen counter on its way to the even harder stone floor. I was rapidly losing my connection with...
Olympic Snowboarders Finding Concussions Are Not a Joke
Trevor Jacob, who is 20 years old says his memory is fuzzy as a result of having had at least 25 concussions. "I don't remember a whole lot," he says laughing, days before he makes his Olympic debut in the snowboard cross event. Head injuries are a hot topic in...
For a Dallas Cowboys Star With Dementia, Time Is Not On His Side
Though Hall of Famer Rayfield Wright's memory is getting weaker all the time, he still remembers his first day playing in the N.F.L. Wright recalls being knocked out, then waking to see stars as he lay on the field unable to move. "It was as if I'd just been hit in...
“Can Animals Help Limit Concussions?”
While more retired N.F.L. players continue to announce they have (or had) progressive neurodegenerative brain disease, chronic traumatic encephalopathy, or C.T.E., the N.F.L. playoffs have started. Gregory D. Myer, director of research in sports medicine at Cincinnati...
Boy Scores Moving Touchdown
Payton, a 9 year old Ohio boy suffered severe brain damage at the age of 5, and lives with just half a heart. Yet, he recently scored a touchdown for his football team. Check out the video at www.frequency.com/video/9-year-old-ohio-boy to be inspired by Payton and his...