I am returning from the SHS meeting…wonderful grow of people…luminaries such as Peter Goadsby,M.D. (he combines being good with patients and also runs a very high class basic science lab, now in London) spoke…
I gave a # of talks, (or added to)including: Refractory Headache: Outpatient options, Recognition of Personality Disorders and the Bipolar Spectrum in Neurology Patients, How to Deconstruct the Art of Choosing Headache Medicines, The Neck and Headache, and Increased Intracranial Pressure…
Dr. Goadsby as always was enlightening..he has done some of the major studies on (under the skin) nerve stimulation, and is not all that excited about long-term results….He has weighed in on “non-invasive” TMS(transcranial magnetic stimulation), and is somewhat excited about that…it appears to be safe(from the company eNeura,”Spring TMS”)….
He answered a common /: “Why do migraineurs frequently have neck pain”…..our muscles are constantly under tension to keep our head up(that is primarily what neck muscles do); normally, without “central sensitization”, people without frequent headaches, or fibromyalgia, do not feel this “pain” or tenderness…many with constant headaches, and/or fibro, DO feel that “normal” muscles tension, as pain and tenderness……similarly to those with sensitivity to bright lights, “severe photophobia’, it is their overly sensitive nervous system reacting to a normal stimulus, that the next person’s brain ignores….
ON ANOTHER FRONT: OUR LATEST TALK(ON PERSONALITY DISORDERS) JUST WENT UP ON OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL(if you go on Youtube, search “refractory chronic migraine”…our channel is headache migraine cluster We welcome you to subscribe(does not cost anything…we will be regularly putting on talks)….the audio and video is slowly getting better…….Larry Robbins,M.D.