Robbins Headache Clinic Blog
“Study Says This Specific Yoga Routine Can Help With Migraines” from CNN Health
(CNN)Waking up with a slight headache that becomes painful enough to hinder daily life is the experience of many who suffer from migraines. But for those on a medication plan, adding a yoga practice to their treatment repertoire may help to reduce the intensity and...
“Migraine and Sleeping Disturbances” from Physicians Weekly
Although anecdotal evidence suggests that patients who suffer from migraines often report an increased rate of sleep disturbances, including trouble falling and staying asleep, studies conclusively addressing this issue are lacking. With the hypothesis that migraine...
“Novel Therapy May Help Reduce Acute Migraine Medication Use” from AJMC
Incorporation of remote electrical neuromodulation (REN) into usual care reduced migraineurs’ use of acute migraine medication, potentially decreasing the risk of medication overuse headache (MOH), according to a study published in Frontiers in Neurology. REN is a...
Coronavirus Blog #6
I think the reality is hitting many Americans: this is the new normal, we are in it for awhile. There is a lot of anxiety(for good reason), and visits to psychotherapists are increased, as is medicine for anxiety and depression. Kids are affected, with each child...
Dr. Robbins on radio starts this Tuesday
Dr. Larry Robbins on RadioI am doing a ½ hour medical radio segment the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month, 4pm central.I will talk about interesting medical topics of the week. We will have call-ins. I will be a guest of Joan Esposito on her show. Joan is a terrific...
“How to Manage Stress Migraines During Coronavirus” from The Cleveland Clinic
There are a variety of triggers for the millions of migraine sufferers in the world but stress is one of the biggest. According to the American Headache Society, 80% of migraine sufferers report that stress is a trigger. And the American Migraine...
“Think Short Term to Cope With the Long Term” from CNN Health
(CNN)Without us perhaps quite noticing, much of what we place our hopes in will be ready for us in a very a long time indeed, in months or even decades from now (if ever): the successful completion of a novel, a sufficient sum of money to buy a house or begin a new...
“Let the Sunshine In” from The New York Times
Sunlight is not a cure for coronavirus, but it does have other benefits for mind and body. Deciding whether to head outdoors or to stay at home has never before felt so fraught, as many of us continue the weigh the benefits of getting some fresh air versus the risks...
“Many Migraineurs Forgo Prescription Pain Medication” from AJMC
Despite significant burden and symptoms, many individuals with migraine have never used acute prescription pain medication to treat the condition, according to study results published in Mayo Clinic Proceedings. The Chronic Migraine Epidemiology and Outcomes study, an...
Coronavirus Blog #6
There are a few nice things(trying to find a silver lining) about Covid-land: traffic, our lives are sometimes simpler, much less scheduled, more laid back. Of course, many more bad things but.... We learn new things daily: 1. you should have a pulse oximeter...