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Comparison of the Effect of Topiramate and Sodium
Valproate in Migraine Prevention: A Randomized Blinded
Crossover Study
Shaygannejad V, Janghorbani M, Ghorbani A, et al.
Posted: June 2006
Headache 2006;46:642-648
Background: Topiramate and sodium valproate are anticonvulsants, demonstrated to be effective as monotherapy for migraine prevention in placebo-controlled trials.
Objectives: To compare the relative efficacy of topiramate and sodium valproate in the prevention of migraine.
Results: Topiramate appeared to be equivalent in efficacy and safety to sodium valproate. A significant decrease in duration, monthly frequency, and intensity of headache occurred in both groups. Of the 32 patients treated with sodium valproate, monthly migraine frequency decreased, as well as episodes per month, headache intensity, and headache duration. Correspondingly, in the 32 patients treated with topiramate, monthly headache frequency decreased, as well as headache intensity and headache duration.
Conclusion: This study demonstrates that treatment with topiramate and sodium valproate both significantly reduce migraine headache. This effect of topiramate and sodium valproate has previously been shown to reduce migraine headache, and we postulate that treatment with topiramate and sodium valproate may have a similar benefit.